Hispanic Classics at A Noise Within - Diversifying the Classics
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Hispanic Classics at A Noise Within

By Barbara Fuchs

On  February 25, I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with actor Erika Soto and director Sylvia Blush at A Noise Within Theatre in Pasadena, for a discussion about Latinas working with the classics. Erika is currently playing Helena in ANW’s riveting production of Alls Well that Ends Well (through March 6–hurry!), which led us to a discussion about what animates Latina actors as they take on classical roles. We also talked about the importance of expanding the range of texts produced on US stages, making room not only for anyone to play Shakespeare, but for other classics in the mix. The remarkable work of female playwrights such as Ana Caro or Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the plays written by Lope or Calderón for their extraordinary leading ladies, all offer dimensions of the classics well beyond Shakespeare.

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