Announcing Two New Publications! - Diversifying the Classics
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Announcing Two New Publications!

Calderón de la Barca’s To Love Beyond Death and Ana Caro’s The Courage to Right a Woman’s Wrongs are the latest additions to our series with Juan de la Cuesta press, The Comedia in Translation and Performance

To Love Beyond Death takes us to a moment when ethnic, religious, and cultural differences turned Spanish subjects against each other during the 1560s Rebellion of the Alpujarra. As the Crown attempts to eradicate Andalusi culture from Spain, the Morisco—Muslims forced to convert to Christianity, and their descendants— turn to armed resistance. The Morisco Tuzani seeks revenge after the death of his beloved Clara, as part of a tragic story that is as much about love and devotion as it is about civil war and the violent emergence of a modern nation.

The Courage to Right a Woman’s Wrongs, meanwhile, follows the fearless Leonor as she crosses geographical boundaries and social expectations of gender in order to bring her fickle lover, Don Juan, to justice and restore her lost honor. Disguised as the dashing Leonardo, she travels from Seville to Brussels to follow Don Juan and execute her revenge. Leonor’s masterful maneuvers and charisma shake things up in the court of Brussels, creating a hilarious and stirring tale about a woman’s courage to right the wrongs she has suffered. 

For more information on this publication series, visit Juan de la Cuesta’s website.
These publications are also available on Amazon, at theselinks.

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