90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater is Finally Here! - Diversifying the Classics
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90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater is Finally Here!

After much anticipation, 90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater is finally here! This project is part of Diversifying the Classics, a multi-pronged initiative to foster awareness and appreciation of Hispanic classical theater among actors, students, academics, and theatergoers alike. This bilingual anthology offers material for actors interested in expanding beyond the traditional Shakespearean corpus, and opens the door to an immensely varied and relatively unexplored body of work.

The anthology includes well-known monologues from Golden Age theater (Calderón de la Barca’s Life is a Dream, Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna and Don Gil of the Green Breeches), while also introducing less familiar playwrights and previously untranslated plays such as Guillén de Castro’s The Force of Habit, and Lope de Vega’s A Wild Night in Toledo and The Widow of Valencia. 90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater offers many pieces written for and about women, addressing issues that are as personal as they are universal—love, marriage, jealousy, intellectual equality, and self-respect, among others. Check out Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s monologues from One House, Many Complications to get a taste of a witty play written by a proto-feminist nun in New Spain (modern-day Mexico).

Our hope is that actors, academics, and theater aficionados will use this anthology to explore the rich corpus of Hispanic classical plays.

For more information on this publication series click here.

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